The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on Brazil to share information about the country’s outbreak “in a consistent and transparent way”.

Brazil has the world’s second-highest number of cases and has recently had more new deaths than any other nation. But authorities have been criticised after months of Covid-19 data were removed from a government website.

The WHO’s health emergencies chief, Michael Ryan, told reporters it was vital that information was shared with the agency and with Brazil’s citizens to keep them safe.

“They need to understand what’s happening. They need to understand where the virus is. They need to know how to manage the risks to them,” said Dr Ryan. “We trust that any confusions that may exist at the moment can be resolved.”

Brazil’s health ministry has said it will now only be reporting cases and deaths for the past 24 hours, no longer giving a total figure as most countries do. President Jair Bolsonaro said the cumulative data did not reflect the current picture.


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