Your vision is your dream. Your plans are your dreams. Your career is your dream. Watching your children grow to become what you want them to become is your dream. Going to school and finishing well is your dream. It is a dream for you to say I want to marry and have children. I want to have two girls and a boy, I want to have two boys and a girl, I want to have two boys and two girls, is a dream. And the Lord said whatever I hear you say I will do. And mind you, there are aborters of these dreams. There are powers that don’t want these dreams to materialize. As you are planning your own, they are planning theirs. Because you are innocent, you are ignorant to the adversaries of the enemies. And when you are ignorant to the adversaries of the enemies, you keep yourself on the slaughter table of the enemies. When you have these dreams, in the book of Job chapter 1, it is written that when the children of God presented themselves before the Lord, the enemies came and presented themselves before the Lord. In chapter 2 the bible said when the children of God presented themselves again, it is written that Satan came again.

Anytime you have a petition before the Lord, Satan the accuser is coming behind, presenting an issue why God should not grant you your heart desire. Where you are, you are complaining is not okay…Satan is not even happy that you are there. Some people have resigned from there jobs with anger and they never got such jobs again for the rest of their lives. Some have lost contacts for no reason and they never got back those contacts. When Satan wants to work, he does not use himself to work against you, is either he use you to work against yourself or he will use somebody closer to you. For the reason of aborting your dreams, aborting God’s purpose over your life.

When Satan saw Adam and Eve in the spirit, he saw that Adam was adamant to hearing whatever is contrary to the word of God. What did he use? He used Eve to abort their dreams. They gave in and their dreams was shattered. They were driven out of the garden of Eden.

Some examples of dream aborters are:

  • Powers working against God’s purpose in our lives…they know what you will become when you don’t know. They smell your greatness.
  • Dream aborters are accusers of the brethren.
  • Powers working against our visions or dreams…Some were supposed to be here but at the start of the day, Satan has began to minister fake reasons to them why they shouldn’t come. Satan could minister to about four people and two will say no. Then two will stay behind. Two will say no matter how tired I am let me go to the church and rest. Know that nobody comes to the church and rest. There is a grace when you are in the grace.
  • Dream aborters are monitoring spirits…Some physically they will become your friend. I once told you all about a woman they designed in the marine kingdom to go take someone’s husband away. How the woman came to become a friend overnight, they cause a problem for the woman, help the woman to solve the problem and with that they got into the marriage and took the husband. It is not every help that is actually a help.
  • Dream aborters are powers that dread what you will become. In this situation you don’t need to fight anybody let alone carry anybody as your enemy. All you need do is to carry the fire.
  • They are powers that hate you for nothing…I did nothing to them. Look you don’t need to worry about that because Jesus Christ did nothing to Herod. You don’t need to do anything before they strike. I openly make this known that on my street where I reside, there is a man that I have been greeting since I started this fellowship he has never answered my greetings. But before the creation of this ministry he used to answer me whenever I greeted him. I don’t need to do anything before he hates me. I know why and the reason he hates me. And whoever hates the one doing the work of Jesus, hates the Lord.

Here are some examples of those Satan tried to stop their dreams in the bible.

  • Jesus.

When Herod heard of the star of Jesus he sent hired assassins to do what? Abort the dreams. But God was with him.

  • Moses versus Pharaoh.

Before they gave birth to Moses Satan has already sowed an evil seed in the heart of Pharaoh. Was there a prophecy that Moses was going to come? No. But Satan has sowed that seed of hatred in the heart of Pharaoh knowing very well that a freedom carrier is coming. Moses was a freedom carrier. When a family has a freedom carrier, you will not recognize what is in your family until when trouble comes. When Satan saw this freedom carrier he said no, you will not live.

Pronouncement: Anyone that has seen you as a freedom carrier, that has been fighting saying you will not succeed, you will not live, they shall die for your sake in the name of Jesus.

Pronouncement: Anyone that has seen your children as a freedom carrier, that wants to abort their dreams, they shall die for their sake in the name of Jesus.

  • David versus Goliath.

Do you know what would have happened if Goliath had won the Israeli? It would have stopped farming. When you know that the government will come and pack all you have farmed, will you go again? You will say what’s the use? If we go and come back now the king will bring Goliath and carry it all away. Then imagine the hunger? But in their midst there was a freedom carrier unknown to them. Who was that freedom carrier? David.
Pronouncement: Tonight you will carry the anointing of freedom.

  • Joseph and his brothers

Joseph was a freedom carrier, when you are a freedom carrier the people around you must fight you. Satan will not use unknown people to fight you. Satan can use your wife to fight you, he can use your husband to fight you, he can use your children to fight you and he can use your relation to fight you. And when you begin to see that fight, don’t concentrate on those people around you that are fighting you, concentrate on what God is saying about you. A man that wants to travel 500km per hour, if he pays attention to side stones he will not get to his destination. Dogde the stones and keep on going. But be cautious.

  • Mordecai versus Haman

Haman was the PA to the king. When he says something the king must stamp it. Haman was carrying the crown of the king of men while unknown to Mordecai, he was carrying the crown of the King of kings.

Self Pronouncement: Say I am not carrying the crown of men, I am carrying the crown of the king of kings.

Haman did all to crucify Mordecai, to bury him, to trouble his family. But there was a turn around because Mordecai did not believe in man. He believed only in her God. Who are you looking up to? Don’t even look up to your pastor! Rise up on your own! Learn the word! Grow in the word! Be strong in the word! The authority has been given to you but you bury it. Mordecai had no pastor. He only ran to his God-daughter. Mordecai ran to Esther saying “my daughter Haman has started again, he wants to kill us all” and Esther said no. We are going to fast. Esther did not believe in her position. She told Mordecai we are going to fast for three days then we will present this case. Even some of our wives we think we can just go to our husband and request for certain things, Satan will not allow him to do it. Go on your knees, pray. Before you request for those things, he is already doing them. Some of us believe in being violent. I tell you today, if you are use to asking for things violently from your husband, he will not give them to you.

  • The Red Sea versus the Israelites

I keep asking this question, was it not the same road Moses followed to Egypt? Where was the red sea? At that time the red sea was not aware of what Moses was carrying. When Moses was now coming back, the red sea saw what he was carrying and said you shall not pass.

Pronouncement: You will pass through! It doesn’t matter the trap the enemy has set, it doesn’t matter the amount of destruction Satan has prepared over your destiny, that you will not have children, you will not marry, you will not start that business, you will not get that job or that contract, I decree in the name that is above every other name, that you are scaling through, you are scaling through!!!

Genesis 26:12
There are people who are angry with you because the Lord has blessed you. Do you know what? Bros e get as e be oo…okay make we manage this garri. But the day you park at Domino Pizza, your trouble with them has started. But know that you don’t need to be angry with such people, all you need do is carry the fire of God. Isaac has been dwelling with this people there was no trouble, they never stopped his business. But see what happened immediately the verse 13 manifested in his life. When he was not prospering did the Philistines envy him? If nobody envies you, then you are not progressing. It is not that man’s doing that he is envying you but it is Satan’s doing to enter such people so they can envy you. If no one envies your lifestyle, change your lifestyle. These people that covered Isaac’s well, if they were witches, if they were wizards, will they do this harm physically? No. Then what would they do in the Spirit? Pronouncement: Any power working in the spirit to stop your growth, the fire of the Holy Ghost shall stop them.

The more Isaac’s servants begin to dig, the more the Philistines followed them and close the wells. But do you know what? Isaac refused to fight back. Because that is a distraction. Isaac refused to ask, why are you closing my well of water? He kept on going, kept on digging, they kept on closing. And the Lord was watching. Do you know something? Those of us that have a relationship with God, do you notice that the problem that troubles you most, if God is talking to you, He will not discuss the problem? If you are bringing God’s attention to that adversary, He is telling you a different thing. Do you know why? God has taken care of that adversary already. Unknown to you.

When Jacob was troubled Oh Esau is coming to kill me. God appeared to him, God did not discuss about Esau because He has taken care of Esau. He said I will make you a nation, your trouble is over. Let me tell you, the day God appears to you, your problem is already over. Look when God appears in your situation, from that day your status has changed. When God appeared to Isaac, Isaac did not discuss with carnal people, Isaac did not look for the king, the king began to look for him. Do you know why? Isaac has spoken to God. Who are you now that will not look for God? Have a relationship with God and you will see that man you are looking afar that you cannot buckle his shoe, will begin to look for you. Because you have God.

Before Isaac had an encounter with God, Abimelech cannot say he was not aware that the people were covering the well of Isaac. In this country today, many things are happenning but the president, governors and senators are not saying anything. But if God now gives you something to overrule them they will begin to look for you. Immediately Isaac had a relationship with God, he carried the garment of value. Until you carry the garment of value…even if Buhari introduce you to Clinton, you are coming back empty handed. Because you are not carrying the seed of value. Clinton is looking at you as a problem to him. The king told Isaac I know your God is very great and He is making you great…I know you are going to overrun us. Abimelech now said to Isaac: I want you to enter into a covenant with me that you will not overrun us. When you are growing the enemy dread you. They dread your future. You may see yourself carrying nothing but you are carrying something. Nobody fights nothing. If nothing is fighting you then you are carrying nothing. If nothing is pulling you down, you are carrying nothing. Nobody climbs an empty Mango tree to shake it. When you see somebody climbing a Mango tree then there are fruits on it. When you are fruitful people come to shake you.


  • Power in Anointing

Ruth 3:3; Mark 6:13
By the anointing you carry favour and in favour there’s power. By the anointing there’s gladness, peace and rest. When you are anointed by God even the power of darkness will jealous you. By the anointing you are safe in the midst of your enemies. God himself knows our enemies more than we do. It is very important to know that there is no friendship between light and darkness. They cannot work together.

  • What is a standard in the church?

There is a physical standard and there is a spiritual standard. There is no standard that is more important or powerful than the spiritual standard. Many churches today, are exercising the physical standard and not the spiritual standard. You are not the one to speak your standard. Let your action speak your standard. Jesus washed the disciples feet, is a standard. Humility is a standard. When we are calling churches, are all churches actually a church? The doctrine makes a church. A church is not a church until the doctrine carries the purpose of God. If the owner of a church did not call you and you are doing God’s work, then you have an agenda and that agenda can be easily compromised. A man called by God to work for God cannot be compromised. The only thing that differentiates God’s work from others is money. If you are trying to bend the spiritual matters of a church, you are bending God. It is best you bend the physical ways that are not aligning with the spiritual standards than trying to bend the Spiritual. You cannot bend God.

By Pastor Benson Enakhena/El-Shaddai Salvation Family Ministries

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