Drugs, a cure, solution, necessity and an addiction has overtime proven to hold different use to people. For some, it means to recover while for others it is used for the purpose of creating pleasurable effects on the brain.

There are over 190 million drug abusers around the world and there has been an alarming increase in recent times especially among young adults.

Life, a say-no-to-drugs NGO has put drug addiction awareness at the far front of there campaign and there main focus are high school kids. They believe that with proper orientation these young adults won’t end up dependent on drugs and it is on this strength Life program is educating young adults around the world on the dangers of drug abuse.

Below is the song performed by Jackie Chan, Hao Ge, a Nigerian mandopop singer and some top performers in the world to support life’s initiative and all the proceeds from the song is going to the re-education of students on drug abuse.

By U.N Sarah for Godfrey Times

Tags: health

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