President Donald Trump has appointed a true American patriot, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, to chair his re-election campaign in the state of Minnesota:

President Donald Trump has appointed a true American patriot, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, to chair his re-election campaign in the state of Minnesota:Mike Lindell✔@realMikeLindell

Lindell, an outspoken supporter of the president, epitomizes the “America First” policies embraced by the #MAGA movement. After all, unlike many business executives who rarely hesitate to send manufacturing jobs overseas, Lindell makes all of his products right here in the United States.

In addition, Lindell has used his success as a force for good as the nation has grappled with hardships over the past few months.

The MyPillow CEO donated his signature product to members of the Minnesota National Guard who had to sleep on the floor as they protected the Twin Cities from the wrath of looters and rioters. During the coronavirus crisis, Lindell also transformed a 200,000-square-foot factory into a “mask production powerhouse.”

While Lindell has flirted with the idea of running for office in the past, he could probably do more of a service to the country by serving as Trump’s top surrogate in Minnesota. In a state like Minnesota, part of the industrial Midwest, passion for revitalizing American manufacturing is a winning issue.

Even though Minnesota has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1972, Trump and the Republicans have reasons for optimism about winning the state.

In 2016, Trump came within 1.5 percentage points of defeating Hillary Clinton in the state. Just four years earlier, Mitt Romney lost the North Star State to incumbent President Barack Obama by a margin of more than 7 percentage points.

Minnesota’s 10 electoral votes would have been icing on the cake for Trump in 2016, adding to his already impressive total of 306 electoral votes. However, Trump only achieved that victory by winning three critical states by the thinest of margins.

If the president fails to receive the same level of support in certain swing states in 2020, a win in Minnesota could help make up for losses elsewhere.

In addition to helping Trump carry Minnesota, Lindell could help Republicans win down-ballot races in the state.

Republicans think they have finally found their ideal candidate to beat long-serving congressional Democrat Collin Peterson, who represents a district Trump carried by more than 30 points.

Peterson, the only House Democrat to vote against impeaching the president, has represented Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District for three decades.

Former Lt. Gov. Michelle Fischbach received the president’s endorsement for the district, and her entry into the race prompted political observers, including the University of Virginia’s Larry Sabato, to rate the race a “toss-up.”

In contrast to other swing states, limited polling is available to predict how the presidential race will turn out in Minnesota this fall.

poll from the left-of-center (as rated by Media Bias / Fact Check, which itself leans left-of-center) Minneapolis Star Tribune conducted nearly a month ago found Trump apparently trailing Joe Biden.

In that poll, the former vice president came up just short of receiving majority support in Minnesota. The poll found Biden capturing 49 percent support to Trump’s 44 percent, with a 3.5-point margin of error.

Trump should definitely make winning Minnesota a key part of his campaign strategy.

His smart choice to make Lindell, a well-known figure from his MyPillow commercials, the face of his re-election campaign in the state may enable him to do just that.

The Federalist

Tags: politics

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