The just concluded party conventions displayed what we could either call a tit-for-tat or a switch in support as some Democrats push for Trump’s reelection and some Republicans stir up reasons for Biden’s election as the next President.

Whose support would prevail? Which switch will yield the next President? Only the end of November 3, has the answer to these questions.

The open shift of support from one party to the other is doing a great job with blowing the wind of uncertainties in the US 2020 election as both reasons for support are validly fueling their choice of vote.

In Africa, political division is thriving with creating disunity amongst the people and fanning the embers of ethnic division—and African-Americans are doing well with toeing the same vein with their roots.

As some bask in their being a Democrat and others shine in the glories of being a Republican, there are those who are independent thinkers, according to Vernon Jones, a lifelong Democrat from the state of Georgia, who spoke at the Republican National Convention, identifying himself as part of a large and growing segment of a black community who are independent thinkers that believes that Donald Trump is the President America needs to lead us forward.

Watch Jones’s RNC 2020 speech

Also, in an interview with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin, Jones said this is about putting your country before politics.


Well, putting your country first in the matters of politics should be foremost in every political decision but how many people are doing that? How many people voted for Obama because he is black? How many people want to vote for Trump’s reelection because he is white? The answers to these questions would shock you. But just as Jones and the independent thinkers believes Donald Trump should be reelected, Colin Powell former U.S Secretary of states believes that Joe Biden would be a President that Americans would be proud to salute.

Powell, is a high profile Republican who spoke at the Democratic National Convention, described Biden as one who would stand up to America’s adversaries with strength and experience. He also said that Biden will restore America’s leadership in the world.

Watch Powell’s DNC 2020 speech

And this divide appears to be what makes politics to tick. Without division there’s no politics. When there’s a for and against, it is the most that has superior policies that wins. But it is one thing to say and another thing to do—like Jones emphatically said in his statement of Biden’s 47-years in the system with nothing to show for it and listing education, security, economy and incarceration of blacks as areas where Trump has performed only in his first four years.

Is Jones a paid campaign surrogate as Melvin asked in the interview? “Jones’s refusal to let that question stand shows that’s absolutely not true”, Ambrose Imonitie, Godfrey Times columnist said.

Well, whether it is true or not, it has contributed to the divide and division is what keeps politics alive and America is like never before politically alive.

Tags: politics

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