The role of a woman is much more complex than we think.

Great women of God (who are living for His glory and not just a chef in the kitchen or a wife in the other room), led by Apostle Edith Grace, a fiery servant of God, validly driven by her passion for Christ, assembled just a stone’s throw from the site of the “Lekki Massacre,” where Nigerian youths were shot at by the Nigerian army, to intervene for their country Nigeria like Esther did for the Jews.

The inaugural National Women’s Prayer Conference, themed “For Such A Time As This,” was headlined by one of Nigeria’s most well-known OAPs, Cordelia Okpe and it took place at the Oriental Hotel, a magnificent hospitality destination.

The conference which was attended by the representative of the first lady of Lagos State, Dr. Mrs Claudiana Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu; MD/CEO Insight Media, Agatha Amata, one of Nigeria’s media mogul; Pastor Yemisi Dumoye, a minister of God from Atlanta Georgia, USA; and other ministers from across the country, started with an opening prayer (that opened the heaven of the spiritual gathering) by Rev. Prophetess Ngozi Edemba.

And, seeing the opened heaven, pastor Precious Ben-Naigbe, who accompanied Bishop Osaretin Ben-Naigbe of Freedom in Christ Mission International to the prayer conference, led the women of God on a divine journey of worship and praise.

It wasn’t a long day of preaching, but divine insights were injected into the crowd like vaccine shots to prepare them for prayer:

Choose performance over perfection… your destiny cannot wait for you to get your hair done. ~Pastor Mojo Olawiyi

Nigeria is like this because women are quiet…we can’t be quiet anymore.

Prepare yourself all the time and be at alert in the spirit. Women are very unique…until the appearance of a woman, there was no visibility of the devil on earth. ~ Bishop Osaretin Ben-Naigbe.

It is an amazing time to be a woman…this is a divine assignment by God. God is calling out women…this is the time for warriors to arise. ~ Pastor Ugochi Ossai.

God said he is looking for empty vessels, we are too full.~ Bishop Priscilla. 

In an interview with Godfrey Times, Mrs Ogunnubi Patience Olamide, the representative of the first lady of Lagos State, expressed her concern for the children, saying, “You can see it in some of the children, some of them are now looking towards the things of the spirit and are beginning to frown at things that don’t glorify God.” Because that is a woman’s role and that is the chance when she is at home. And when you take your kids to church, you ask them, “What did you learn in church today?” at the end of the day. You have conversations with them at home on occasion. The woman has the most important role to play in all of this, such as going over their homework and such.   It is the woman’s responsibility to keep that spiritual altar blazing. Even though the man is the chief priest, the woman must fill in for him when he is absent. Then, to make an impression and let them know that God’s ways are important, let your yes be yes and your no be no. Do not covet other people’s things. When they return from school with items that do not belong to them, some mothers do not bother to check, do not care, and do not want to know what their children are going through. Ogunnubi continued, “As women, we must come down from our high horses…you are a bank manager, you have so much money, you have so much to do, but you must come down.” Because you have a primary responsibility to your children. Because the woman who has not taught her child is the cause of society’s wailing. As a result, we must recognize that we have a significant role to play as women. We must educate them. Teach them right from the start. As a result, they don’t stray from it. It’s not yours if it’s not yours.   Don’t be envious of other people’s possessions. Don’t kill, don’t hate, and don’t be envious of these people who are doing all of these things because something went wrong somewhere along the line. So I think the women have a significant role to play, and for the society to be this bad, we have failed. We must rise to the occasion and correct the situation.

Apostle Edith Grace, known as the “woman of great grace,” was full of smiles as she saw the women who attended the conference and shared with Godfrey Times the spiritual brain behind it, saying, “It is for a new Nigeria.” Nigeria is reshaping itself. And the hand of God is once again on Nigeria. Something is happening in the spiritual realm, and by 2023, there will be a new Nigeria. Nigeria will experience a new dawn in all aspects of its life.

After that, we’ll have it on a weekly basis, but this very national conference will only happen once a year. And, in the not-too-distant future, I expect the conference to be held at the national stadium, with all Nigerian women coming together to pray. So, starting next month, we should have it in various states. She added. 

After bluntly telling the women that they had failed, Nigerian media mogul Aghata Amata added, “Can we take it upon ourselves to mentor women as a matter of emergency?” during her speech. If one woman fails, the entire community suffers. Amata left a message for the women, “each one tell all”.

PHOTO CREDIT: Woman of Great Grace’s Facebook Page

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