Expect nothing from marriage but what you yourself give. Are you giving love in its entirety? Love is pure. Marriage is a spiritual bond, not a contract or an appointment. Marriage is the most wonderful thing that life has to offer. The needed gift of companionship from God himself, the spiritual bond between Adam and Eve. You are not ashamed of your husband or wife when you have a Spiritual bond in your marriage. You don’t hide your guilt or shame from your spouse in marriage when you are one. When you start doing that, you are turning away from the Spiritual bond. Nothing is more critical than understanding that whatever affects your wife or husband also affects you. And knowing that, you should also be mindful that you are not the source of discord in your marriage, whether by lust, stubbornness, or other negative factors you allow into the best thing in life. Yes, it is the best thing in life. If God had wanted Adam to have two wives, he would have given him two women, Eve’s, rather than one woman (a helper). Your wife had already taken up residence in you before you met her, which might be of concern to you. Whatever happens, always keep in mind that your wife is the flesh of your flesh and the bone of your bone.  Don’t treat your wife as if she’s an outsider, this is a huge blunder in marriage. When there is a strong bond in a marriage, rage is easily controlled, and issues are too minor to cause a man or woman to leave the marriage, let alone commit suicide.


For those who have yet to marry, demonstrate your true character to your future wife or husband. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Tags: love vows

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