This is a love that you share with unbelievers, you share with those that hate you, those that love you, those that are your church members, your extended family…it is a love that is not restrained.

Matthew 25:35-41 This is a place where the Lord put himself in the place of the less privileged, where the Lord Jesus gave us the image of the poor. That whatever you do for the poor, this you have done unto him. We are in a season of plague where many are stranded right now all over the world.

Kings are stranded, Queens are stranded, the poor becomes poorer, the rich are afraid and crisis is everywhere. This is the time that the true children of God needs to show love to the poor. In prayers, in giving, in love, in kindness, and in caring. And whatever you do to the least of the brethren in your neighborhood, the compound you are living in, in the church, this season, you have done unto Christ.

Wherever you are right now, I want you to think from your mind, since the outbreak of this plague, how many have I affected their lives positively? Do I have people that are in need and I am in a position to help them? How many have I helped without asking? I want us to go back to our draw board this day, so that we can extend gesture to our loved ones, neighbors, even to our enemies. It is time for us to show love. It is time for us to render help to as many as we can.

The Lord Jesus categorically said here that if you are not a giver, heaven is not yours. No matter how righteous you are, no matter how holy you are, if you are not a giver, if you are not the kind who remembers the poor, forget it. The gate of heaven is locked. The master key to open the gate of heaven is by giving and not by despising. And not just giving but giving to the needy, giving to the poor. Not giving to be recognized, not giving to get back, and not giving expecting thanks.

El-Shaddai Salvation Family Ministries

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